Everything starts with our free consultation. In order to have an effective consultation, we will need to obtain access to your credit reports. There is another question below that explains that process. At the end of the consultation and after a thorough review your credit and a discussion about your goals and needs, we will provide a suggestion for the best course of action, whether that includes using our services or not. Our fees are always tied to performance so we do not push everyone to enroll. We only focus on results and we only work on files that we think we can produce results for.
Initial consultations are free. They do require you to obtain copies of your credit reports and possibly your scores. This depends on the goals you have. If you are planning and preparing to obtain a mortgage loan within the next six months, then it is important for us to have access to your current reports and your mortgage scores (this is different than free scores found online like credit karma). There are two ways to obtain your mortgage reports with mortgage scores.
- Try to get pre-approved with a mortgage lender. This will result in a ‘hard’ pull and can affect your credit score.
- You can pay $29.95 to get access to all of your real credit scores including your mortgage scores and a real time look at your reports from the three major bureaus. This will result in a ‘soft’ pull and will NOT affect your credit score.
Get your real mortgage scores and reports here: https://secure.myfico.com/signup?product=3BM_ADV_M_Q If you are not planning on obtaining a mortgage within the next six months, then we strongly recommend that everyone create and set up completely free accounts directly with the credit bureaus. Most people are unaware that they can create completely free accounts directly with the credit bureaus. *Please understand that any credit score that the credit bureaus provide to you are NOT the scores that are used in Mortgage lending.
There are serious limitations to credit repair. We cannot promise or guarantee results and we often see situations where credit repair is not what someone should be seeking.
How do you know if this is the case with you?
If you have recently mismanaged your credit and have let go of a lot of bills and have unpaid credit cards, unpaid collection accounts and late payments across multiple accounts, there is not much we can do to assist someone in this position.
The only exception to that is if someone had financial issues/pressures in the past and now has the capacity to resolve any outstanding and past due obligations or if the unpaid debts are older than five years.
Our problem with Credit Karma and it’s scores is this: The credit scores that Credit Karma give you is the VantageScore 3.0. This is a credit score that was created by the credit bureaus themselves to rival FICO, which is the dominant player in the space. Vantage Score has a VERY low adoption rate which means it’s not really used anywhere in lending and if it is, it is highly unlikely that a lender will be using that score when they are trying to approve you. Furthermore, VantageScore 3.0 is a vastly different credit scoring model than the Mortgage Version of FICO. What this means is that you should not pay any attention to your Credit Karma credit score as the only thing that it will do is confuse you.
To get your ‘Real Credit Scores’, you have to pay for them or have a Mortgage Lender pull a report for you.
Get your real mortgage scores and reports here:
Credit Karma was a brilliant idea and a very successful marketing company that was recently sold for $8.1 Billion dollars. https://fortune.com/2020/12/10/intuit-credit-karma-deal-acquisition-fintech/
Credit Karma is a great marketing company, nothing more, nothing less.
The credit scores that Credit Karma give you is the VantageScore 3.0. This is a credit score that was created by the credit bureaus themselves to rival FICO which is the dominant player in the space.
Credit Restart is a program we created after repeatedly reviewing clients and profiles that had very limited open and active credit. This is a custom-tailored program that provides you a unique blueprint that guides you to Restart your credit with great cards and it lays the foundation for your credit’s future. This is more than just credit cards and it’s more than just any type of card. We pair you with cards that you will keep open ten years into the future. We tell you how many to open, how to use them and we also incorporate installment accounts as well. This is essentially a three-year roadmap that keeps building your credit and getting you access to the best cards and interest rates in the marketplace. This program will shortcut the amount of time it takes to bring your credit score back up to a respectable level.
Yes and No. Typically items do not reappear, but a benefit of the FCRA is that if a credit bureau reinserts a previously deleted item without written notification sent to the client prior to doing it — then we can raise that technicality and the item will be removed. And should they notify you, we can go back again and re-challenge that item.
We offer a highly personalized service. Our pricing is dependent on the amount of work that is required, with costs starting as little as $250 and can go as high as up to $2,000. The average per file is between $500 and $1,000. We first review your credit report, thoroughly analyze it, and then expertly identify your needs and goals. And when there are instances in which we cannot help a client — we are always upfront and frank about it. We benefit greatly from the many referrals we get from satisfied clients.
Experian Boost is a free product that allows one to upload their bank statements directly to Experian and Experian will then identify and locate utility bills that it can add to your Experian Credit report.
The Cons: this service is that the Mortgage version of the credit score does not factor in any accounts from Experian Boost so it essentially does nothing to improve your credit if you are trying to purchase a home or real estate.
The other con is you are voluntarily uploading your bank statements to a data furnisher that sells your data to others. The data points in your bank statements are very valuable.
The Pros: This can help someone with a very limited credit profile but it will only help with the Credit card version of the Fico score or newer versions that will factor added accounts into the credit score.
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